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The microblading industry has exploded over the recent years, and although this is great for the industry, it came with lots of inexperienced and unlicensed microblading artists starting to train beginners.
By far the best way to train is to take our courses in person with our reputable and experienced artists and instructors. For those who are not able to travel to Los Angeles or maybe prefer to work at their own pace, we designed and launched our online microblading training.
Microblading is a skill that is learned through practice and repetition. It is just like any other skill, the more you practice, the better you get. With our online class, we provide all our students with a kit full of all the supplies they will need to work on their first clients as well as practice material to perfect their technique. It also comes with many detailed videos of each step of the microblading process as well as full-length live procedure videos.
You will be able to absorb all the knowledge of our top artists and instructors who perform microblading on a daily basis. Our online class instructors see about 4-6 clients every single day, so they have a lot of key information to share. In our online course, you will be able to attain far more knowledge than any form of training with an inexperienced artist.
What Is Included In The Online Microblading Training?
We compiled all the lessons from our in-person training course and filmed them so you can learn microblading anywhere, anytime. We also included detailed explanations of each step of the microblading process.
You will also receive a kit with the supplies you will need to practice with as well as use on clients! This kit includes microblades, pigment, mapping material, and fake skin.
You will have access to the online course for up to 1 year so you can work at your own pace or refresh your skills at any time.
Will I Be In Contact With An Instructor Once The Course Is Completed?
Yes, you will be in direct contact with our elite instructors weekly as well as upon completion. This is beneficial if you have any questions during or after your training.
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