How Much Do Microblading Techs Make? - Elite Permanent Makeup Training Center

How Much Do Microblading Techs Make?



[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text text_larger=”yes”]Even with the rapid growth of the permanent makeup industry, many don’t know just how lucrative this career path can be.

The cost of microblading ranges from about $600-$900 depending on the location and experience of the technician. With that being said, each procedure takes about 2 hours which equates to $300-$450 per hour.

Microblading popularity is still steadily on the rise, as you can see by the chart below showing the number of google searches for “microblading”.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”15057″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” parallax_scroll=”no”][vc_column_text text_larger=”yes”]

Below we will break down exactly how much it is going to cost to become a microblading artist and how much you could potentially be making.

The average price to get trained in microblading is about $3,000 for a hands-on course and $1,200 for an online course. Although this may seem like a lot to pay upfront, it pales in compared to what you will be making.

After being trained, we suggest doing a couple of procedures for free to build up your portfolio. This will give you some content to make any future potential clients feel comfortable about choosing you.

Below we made a breakdown of the cost vs revenue when doing 75 clients. If you are doing 2 clients a day, this can be done in about 37 days.

Revenue for 75 Microblading Clients = $26,000:

  • $0 (First 5 clients Free to Build Portfolio)
  • $500 (Next 5 clients charging $100 each)
  • $750 (Next 5 clients charging $150 each)
  • $1,000 (Next 5 clients charging $200 each)
  • $1,250 (Next 5 clients charging $250 each)
  • $1,500 (Next 5 clients charging $300 each)
  • $1,750 (Next 5 clients charging $350 each)
  • $2,000 (Next 5 clients charging $400 each)
  • $2,250 (Next 5 clients charging $450 each)
  • $15,000 (Next 30 clients charging $500 each)

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Keep in mind this is only if you are doing 2 clients per day. The more clients you do, the more walking advertisements you have which will then lead to you getting more booked up. After 1-2 years doing microblading full time, you should be averaging 4-5 clients per day while charging $700 each. At that pace, you will be making $84,000 per month.

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If you even have a slight itch to pursue a career in the beauty industry, we suggest giving microblading a try!

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